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Honda Accord Hybrid 2016

Recommend Honda Accord Hybrid is the Most Efficient-After more or less absent for one year, finally refresher Honda Accord Hybrid has been performed. Reportedly, Honda will begin to market this model in the spring of 2016. As an update version, Honda Accord Hybrid comes a predicate as a product with the best fuel efficiency in its class.
John Mendel as the Executive Vice President of American Honda Motor said that the latest model Honda Accord Hybrid is the best product, with the most delicate machines, advanced technology, and of course the most fuel efficient in its class.
He said he then continued, that during the last three years in the US Accord is a popular product and managed to control the majority of young consumers. Moreover, the presence of this new hybrid, is predicted to increasingly create enough momentum for both models Honda will into the future.

When viewed and compared with the previous model, the Accord has the latest hybrid power 16 tk is greater than ever. Workers who sprayed to 212 tk. Then, based on data released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this product has a fuel efficiency of up to 49 miles per gallon (mpg) for driving in city traffic.
Meanwhile, if you see the competitors, such as the Chevrolet Malibu, fuel efficiency for city driving is 47 mpg, while the Toyota Cemry stalled at number 43 mpg for the same condition. Therefore, it means that the latest Accord Hybrid is the most economical hybrid vehicles today.

In this case, the Honda then asserted that iritnya fuel oil (BBM) is, none other than the result of design-build the powertrain components, including electric motors new revisions or changes to the gasoline engine with a 2.0 liter Atkinson-Cyline , However, until now there is still no further confirmation regarding the price are priced for a product that is claimed to be the most fuel efficient model of this.

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